Homeschool, Parenting

2020-2021 School Year (aka the year of unknowns)

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on the ole blog. It’s been a VERY busy couple of weeks over here – we’ve spent lots of time outside trying to soak up the amazing weather, L&R had their first dance recital & we’re gearing up for another school year. The decisions us parents are faced with this year are unprecedented… there is no one right answer for anyone.

In our family, we went around and around trying to come to a good conclusion. There were many sleepless nights and seemingly endless conversations trying to figure out the best options for our kiddos. As it turns out, none of the options are PERFECT. Each choice has it’s downfalls and risks. Each choice comes with about a million “but what if’s” and leaves us feeling so very uncertain and, quite honestly, sort of scared. The pediatricians are saying something, the government officials say something else. The teachers and school administrations have their own ideas about things and then there are the doctors who are working in the covid units in hospitals. Who do we listen to? Who do we hold higher? WHAT DO WE DO?!?

For us, it’s going to look like a bit of all the options rolled into one. Our oldest will be attending school in-person. But her class is too big so they will be on a hybrid schedule where she is IN SCHOOL on Tuesdays and Fridays and every other Thursday and at home doing virtual learning on Mondays and Wednesdays and every other Thursday. Because THAT schedule is easy to follow 🤪 (but what the heck was the administration supposed to do when they simply have too many, too big humans in these rooms – I’ve never been happier to NOT be in a decision-making position of authority in my life). For her 8th grade year, we really didn’t even think twice about sending her. She needs to be alongside her classmates in these weird times.

For the Littles, the decision wasn’t quite so easy. Do we send them so they can learn with friends and get some socialization and experience school? But their poor teachers have to wear masks or shields and have to keep their distance and that makes the little ones nervous and is that really a real school experience anyways? And then if they get changed to virtual learning……… I just can’t with that again. L’s teachers last year were AMAZING. They went above and beyond during the virtual learning and STILL she totally shut down by the end of it. She is not a zoom call lover and watching her teachers on video only made her want to actually be with them in the classroom. There are just so many things up in the air this year and while kids are SO, SO RESILIENT…… momma just isn’t. The back and forth was making me crazy… So after much deliberation, we decided to keep the Littles home for a year of homeschool. If I’m going to be completely honest, now that we have a certain decision, it feels as if all weight has been lifted and I couldn’t be more excited about the year we have coming up. I mean, how badly can I really mess up preschool? ((Follow along to watch me bite my tongue in real time 🤣))

We were introduced to a preschool curriculum program called the Peaceful Preschool and it seems like it will be a good fit for our family. I’m going to tweak things a bit here and there to make them more age appropriate for L(5) and R(3) and also try my hardest to include H(1.5) in as much as possible. Surely to goodness if she’s involved, she won’t be able to terrorize and destruct everything, right? RIGHT?! Anywho, the curriculum calls for field trips/activities each week and I’m excited to explore new places with the girls (when and where it is safe to do so, of course). It has also has some suggestions of things to implement in our home, as a whole. Giving these tiny humans some more responsibility, including taking care of themselves as well as some other living creatures (there will be an entirely separate post on this – stay tuned), is something I’m looking forward to doing.

We’re excited and nervous about this school year, as I’m sure everyone is. We are SO incredibly fortunate to be able to make the choices we have. With me staying home already, I don’t have to leave a job in order to homeschool my children. I didn’t have to feel the weight of a decision like that, which so many people are feeling right now. We have dedicated some space in the house to be “school areas” and plan to spend as much time as possible outside exploring and learning on our own terms. It should be a fun and exciting year and I feel so thankful to have some extra time with my girls (remind me that I said this in a few months 😳).

What did your family decide to do for school this year? What choices were you given? I’d love to hear all about it!