

Hello and welcome to Raising Loving Littles!! I’m Shelly, tax accountant turned wife and stay-at-home mom to 4 (yes, FOUR) sweet girls. I’ve wanted to start a blog for some time now and thanks to COVID-19, now I have the chance. This probably won’t be your typical mom blog. I mean, we do eat lots of organic fruits and veggies – except, of course, when were binging Oreos and Goldfish and ice cream. We speak to one another kindly and rationally and emotional outbursts don’t happen – until they do (okay, all the time) and then everyone is screaming as loud as possible and only the loudest can survive. We stick to a very strict routine – besides the days when we skip nap and stay up too late watching movies and eating popcorn. I’m a very hands-on mom – until I’m COMPLETELY TOUCHED OUT and just need a moment to breathe… or pee… or sneak a snack while locked in the pantry. Judge away :).

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Anyways, I guess what I’m saying is we’re pretty “middle ground” on most things. I try my best to ensure we have fun and giggle every day. My end goal is to raise loving, caring, compassionate humans with big hearts, loud voices and open arms. With all the craziness in the world right now, I think that’s the most we can hope for.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy following along with our fun-filled, crazy lives. I’m not exactly sure where this blog will go… maybe I’ll share some recipes, some DIY’s, some fun play ideas. I’m sure I’ll document some of our crazy times together and I promise there will be plenty of entertaining stories; there is NEVER a dull moment here! Whatever it becomes, I hope you enjoy it and I hope it can bring you some smiles and giggles along the way!

Please leave me some comments so I know what you like and what you don’t… all feedback is welcome! See you soon