Homeschool, Parenting

A is for Apple

We’re wrapping up Week 1 and oh my, what a week it’s been. Honestly, I’ve been having an absolute blast and the kiddos seem to be enjoying themselves too!

Day 1, I called in the reinforcements and “baby” H went to spend some time with my mom. I had this vision of our first day and that vision did not involve a tiny toddler tornado tearing up everything in her sight. Ya’ll she’s wild. TOTALLY WILD. So, we had our somewhat peaceful first day, complete with first day of school pics and all, and then rushed over to pick up baby sis after a picnic lunch because her big sisters missed her so much (que: heart exploding).

The girls really impressed me with their willingness to learn and listen on Day 1. I knew L would probably cooperate (bless her sweet soul), but R’s personality is totally unpredictable. She’s either being the sweetest child who has ever lived… telling you she loves you and giving the best hugs OR she’s screaming at a deafening pitch and volume for no known reason. There is no in between. But Day 1, the sweet and cooperative one showed up for school and it was great! They worked together on their learning trays, we painted, we practiced writing the letter A, and just explored our classroom area.

Sneak a peek at R up there in the upper right corner. She will make jewelry out of absolutely anything she comes across.

L’s favorite learning tray was definitely the frog balancing scale. I feel like I can actually see the wheels turning in her brain when she’s discovering that the number 3 plus the number 2 weigh the same as 5 frogs do. I just love when they figure things out on their own!!

So far, so good after day 1 (although I’m pretty late on posting this). More to come about week one and all the fun we’ve had! See you soon!

Makes me so very happy to see them putting this desk to use!