Homeschool, Learning Trays, Sensory Bins

More Weekly Learning Trays

(Post may contain affiliate links)

Last week definitely didn’t end up going how I had planned. I had so many fun Derby plans and activities to do and just about none of them came to fruition. We didn’t make hot browns, we didn’t make derby pie. We didn’t even push our children down the driveway on crib mattresses tied up on wagons (if you know, you know… if you don’t, I’ll try to post about it sometime). I’m giving myself some grace because it was a crazy week leading up to an even crazier weekend, but I’d be lying if I were to tell you that I wasn’t at all disappointed.

BUT – we’re back in action now and I honestly think that the extra long weekend gave us back some pep in our step. It also probably has to do a lot with our abundance of joy and excitement surrounding the new member of our family, my new nephew, who was born on Friday. We couldn’t possibly be happier to have a sweet little BOY to spoil rotten.

This week, we’re studying the letter E. Our Peaceful Preschool curriculum gave us lots of wonderful ideas, and we’ve added some in on our own as well. There is no shortage of fun over here!

Our learning trays this week are, like usual, a good combination of fine motor skills practice, counting and number recognition work, and are filled with endless opportunities to learn and play.

Up first, the button game. We have one similar to this and the girls LOVE it! It’s been put away for a little while, so when they saw it again they were pumped! The second one is a puzzle by Melissa and Doug. This puzzle is fine motor excellence with buttons, zippers, strings, etc. Anything to lead them on to independence (totally just to help them in the long run, this has *nothing* to do with me wanting to get fewer children dressed every morning, obviously 😉). The lacing numbers were a Target Dollar Spot find. I think I’ve overdone it recently with the lacing activities because they haven’t yet touched this tray. Noted, kiddos… Noted. There’s a tie for most exciting this week between the button game and the last tray with tangrams. This is the first set of wooden tangrams we’ve had and we’re in love. I love that they come with picture cards for ideas of what to build and they seem like they’re going to hold up well. They felt a bit small at first, but I think they really worked out just fine. Overall, they’re super excited about this week’s trays and keep asking for more and more tray time each day!

I usually don’t change out the trays or the sensory bin until the beginning of the week, but over the weekend, the girls found the water beads and BEGGED to get them out. We have been playing with ocean animals in the bin ever since. They’ve also turned it into a pedicure bowl (this is not a mom-sanctioned activity – all the dirty feet – ick… but, really, they think it’s hilarious soooooo) and they think it’s hilarious to put their feet in at the same time.

I can’t let this post close without sharing what “baby” H has been up to this week so far. She seems to be recovered from her ear tubes surgery that was on Friday. She’s back to climbing on tables, making messes, and causing as much chaos as she possibly can. For your viewing pleasure, a few photos of her in her element:

We hope everyone is having a wonderful week! See you soon 🙂